From Tokelau to New Zealand
Write a summary explaining reasons why Tokelauans moved to New Zealand.
What was life like for the Tokelauans?
1.Choose 20 important words from the text
Ko te au o mātua,Ko fānau,Parents, heart,Children,Generation, Opportunities,Government,New Zealand,Consequences,People,Migrate,Education,Domestics,Hospitals,Families,Scholarships,Study,Culture,tradition.
2. Now choose the 6 MOST important words
Parents,heart,Children,Families,Study, Scholarships.
3. Now use those six words to sum up the text in a couple of sentences
My parents look after me better than anyone in this entire earth. Their heart is so kind to look that they look after me. All people around the world have Families. In school i’m gonna study as hard as I can to get a scholarship to a university. This is what life could be like for tokelauan children if they migrated/lived in New zealand.